We live in a mobile society. It is hard to imagine a time without trains, planes, and automobiles – the most used modes of transportation today. All three modes of transportation are an integral part of our modern existence. However, once, they were simply a dream in someone’s imagination.
After having invented several ways to move around on Earth, man dared to dream bigger and he entered a race for space. NASA was born and in 1969, the United States made the seemingly impossible possible. Standing on the moon in his space suit, Neil Armstrong appeared like something straight out of a sci-fi movie as he waved to his fellow Americans gathered around their televisions.
During the first part of the twenty-first century, a strong wave of support to send people to Mars is gathering strength. Two hundred thousand people have volunteered to travel to Mars and set up permanent residence, even though returning to Earth is not an option.
Along with with resurgence of interest in space travel, it seems that we are experiencing the rebirth of some of our favorite superheroes in the movie theaters. During the last few years, Superman, Spider-Man, Thor, and Iron Man have flown across the silver screen and faced new nemeses, some from outer space. A new Star Wars is in the works.
One thing seems clear: mankind is going to keep reaching for the stars in the movies and in real life. Could these events be connected? Are they a sign that mankind is once again ready to, like Captain Kirk from Star Trek would say, “Go beyond where no man has gone before?”
Will some of the things we see in adventure/fantasy and sci-fi movies today become reality tomorrow?
Does reality emulate fiction or does fiction emulate reality?
What kinds of things that only exist in our imaginations today do you think might become reality in the future?