Hey, so something incredible happened at 1:42 AM on Sunday morning.
If you’re like most sane people, you were fast asleep at that time – and I hope you were!
Meanwhile, over at Team ImagiNation, we were still sifting through emails and whipping up story lines. Clearly, we aren’t like most sane people. Ha!
Anyway, at exactly 1:42 AM on Sunday morning, Matt received an email that contained a message that shot a blast of adrenaline through his veins as if he was hooked up to an IV of Red Bull!
You see, Matt received an email from the fantastic folks over at NarniaFans.com to let us know they just published a review of OUR BOOK!
One Small Click for Man, One Giant Leap for the ImagiNation!
With trembling hands, Matt scrolled his cursor and hovered over the link. He paused, unsure of what words judging ImagiNation Unveiled: The Hidden Realm might be waiting on the other side. He bravely clicked on it, only to find sentences like these…
Not since Dorothy Gale got swept up in a twister to the merry old Land of Oz has a fantasy story felt so American.
I think this could have the potential to be this generation’s answer to The Never Ending Story. With its wildly imaginative characters, exciting adventure, and themes of bravery, friendship and virtue, this book is a wonderful love letter to the power and joy of imagination. That is something worth celebrating.
Sure enough, NarniaFans.com awarded ImagiNation Unveiled: The Hidden Realm with a review of 4 1/2 out of 5 shields!
*Ryuu backflips in celebration*
If you’re curious, you can read the full review by clicking here.
It’s Just the Start
When we receive compliments such as those shared in the Narnia Fans’ review, we are reminded of just how far we have come on this journey and it’s because of the early support from readers like you.
So, thank you.
We also realize that although this is a nice “win,” it is a very small victory in the grand scheme of things. We still work hard every day to share this story with more people who will get a thrill from being engrossed in its adventures and touched by its message.
Recently, we’ve come to realize how super important it is to have a lot of positive Amazon reviews of our book because Amazon takes the number of positive reviews into account when they rank books on their website. Simply put, more positive reviews = more visibility = more downloads = more readers who enjoy our story.
If you have read the book and not reviewed it, please take a few minutes to write an Amazon review even if it’s just a sentence or two…
To review ImagiNation Unveiled: The Hidden Realm on Amazon, please click here, sign in, and write a customer review.
If you have any other websites or individuals that you think would also enjoy reading and/or reviewing the book, please email us at: info at imaginationunveiled dot com.