Ice, ice baby
Out my window, the harsh ice queen waves her hand and snuffs out the sun. She floats across the snowy landscape of icicles that sparkle like her crystal palace. Traffic ceases, the quiet is haunting. Nothing moves save for the birds at my bird feeder. The sun is absent, I can only imagine the magical orb’s fiery presence. I raise my cup of hot cocoa to the south, thankful for warm thoughts from a friend. Stay warm and well everyone!
Click to continue →All We Need Is Love

On June 25, 1967, during a live broadcast of their new song, “All You Need Is Love” The Beatles sent out a universal appeal for spreading love across the world. Today, the song’s sweet message still resonates as we approach February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the universal day of love. In my town, heart-shaped candies and boxes of chocolates, red and pink cards, and various colored roses have been on sale for weeks. Diamond advertisements abound. All signs indicate that Cupid is once again preparing to descend upon the population with arrow poised across his bow, ready to set hearts afire. …
Click to continue →Snow Globe Wonder
Looking out of the window, I feel as if I’m gazing into a life-sized snow globe. Lunch time thoughts: The snow queen dances and waves a crystal scepter of light. Flakes glisten like sequins on her whirling gown of white. Magical frost spreads over hill and dale, everything in sight. Radiant shock and awe – the icy prima donna delights!
Click to continue →In Your Face, A Snowy Day Tribute
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. – U.S. postal creed. Over the weekend, during one of Kentucky’s coldest winters, when snowfall threatened to cancel our plans, my family incorporated the U.S. postal service’s creed with gusto. We donned boots, coats, and scarves, all united in one mission: to make Gram’s 84th birthday a success! Six adults, one child, and one dog piled into two trucks and one SUV, determined to surprise Gram who expected us all to call with regrets. Opting out of toting hot …
Click to continue →Ten reasons to explore your imagination
What is invisible, intangible, and the world’s most powerful renewable resource? It is the imagination. Merriam Webster defines the word as “the ability to imagine things that are not real; the ability to form a picture in your mind of something that you have not seen or experienced.” Other talented and influential people have shared that… The imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. Albert Einstein Anything you put your mind to and add your imagination into can make your life a lot better and a lot more fun. Taylor Swift The man who has no …
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