Five Things You Should Know Before Writing A Book


1. Life and writing are both fluid. They both occur within the realm of ever-changing circumstances. Therefore, on the writing road, one must persevere through a gauntlet of challenges that threaten to derail even the best-outlined plans and deadlines. Time I put aside for writing is often preempted by family obligations, needs, accidents, or illness. Sometimes, I find concentrating on the write a bit like carrying on a conversation while jumping up and down in a super-sized inflatable overflowing with kids. Quick keyboard fingers, an ironclad memory, and a general chapter outline are valued tools of the trade to weather …

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Hey, so something incredible happened at 1:42 AM on Sunday morning. If you’re like most sane people, you were fast asleep at that time – and I hope you were! Meanwhile, over at Team ImagiNation, we were still sifting through emails and whipping up story lines. Clearly, we aren’t like most sane people. Ha! Anyway, at exactly 1:42 AM on Sunday morning, Matt received an email that contained a message that shot a blast of adrenaline through his veins as if he was hooked up to an IV of Red Bull! You see, Matt received an email from the fantastic folks over at to let …

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The Blank Page


Like marathon runners poised at the starting block, every writer starts at the same place as every other writer: the blank page. You ask “So what? Who cares about a blank page? Ah, but the value of the blank page isn’t in its appearance, the value lies in the opportunity that it offers. How can a blank page offer value? It’s blank. Worthless. Worthless you say? I disagree. In the world of expensive gadgets that do everything for you, I think the blank page is priceless. No batteries required. No cords. No power packs. No boundaries. The blank page offers …

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Trains, planes, automobiles, rockets… and beyond!


We live in a mobile society. It is hard to imagine a time without trains, planes, and automobiles – the most used modes of transportation today. All three modes of transportation are an integral part of our modern existence. However, once, they were simply a dream in someone’s imagination. After having invented several ways to move around on Earth, man dared to dream bigger and he entered a race for space. NASA was born and in 1969, the United States made the seemingly impossible possible. Standing on the moon in his space suit, Neil Armstrong appeared like something straight out …

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Ebook vs Book: Which Should You Choose?


Before ebooks entered the arena, hardback and paperback books served as home to our favorite heroes and heroines of fantasy. Today, there seems to be a constant debate over which type of book offers the best reading experience. Ebook vs Book: Does it really matter which format of book we choose? Each book format has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance here are some… Advantages of ebooks Easy to buy. Once you have an e-reader like a Kindle, iPad, Nook, etc., downloading an ebook without making the trip to the bookstore is a plus in this fast-paced world. Light and easy to …

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  • "I think this could have the potential to be this generation's answer to The Never Ending Story."

  • "A fascinating fantasy novel ... Reading this book felt very much like I was watching an episode of Avatar meets Indiana Jones in space."

  • "If you liked Harry Potter or any of the other now famous and popular fantasy books then you will love this book!" - lnsmit05 (Amazon verified review)

  • "This book would capture the imagination of upper elementary age through adult readers." - Janie (Amazon verified review)